Membership Requirements
Membership Requirements
*Please note that CHEMPA members must homeschool at least one of their children who is not enrolled in the public school system.
The Christian Home Educators of the Mount Pleasant Area (CHEMPA) is a group of parents who agree that it is their privilege to teach and train their children, and that this responsibility is given to them by God (Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Proverbs 22:6; and Ephesians 6:4). Membership in CHEMPA is comprised of families who personally teach their children in their homes. Legitimate home education requires that the parent direct the child in bona fide pursuit of basic academic skills, such as reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics, and good citizenship. The particular content, however, of a child’s education is ultimately a matter between the family, the church, and God. Families with pre-school children who are planning to home school are also welcome. Parents whose children have graduated from home school may choose to become alumni parents in order to counsel and advise others in CHEMPA. Alumni parents must have homeschooled for 5 years, and must have a homeschool graduate. They will be listed as homeschool advisors on the CHEMPA directory. They will receive a $5 discount from the basic dues membership cost.
Currently, dues will be $25.00 for members. If your information and dues are not received by the third Thursday in September, your name may not be included in the membership directory. Dues are evaluated on a year-to-year basis, but any changes recommended by the officers will be brought before a vote of the membership each May. {pending change}
Membership ideally provides several benefits for homeschooling families. Homeschooling, by definition, brings families together to live, learn, play and work. CHEMPA's purpose is to be an extension of that idea. Though there are some CHEMPA activities that, by their nature, exhibit some degree of age segregation, the goal of CHEMPA is to encourage cooperation between all ages of children. Other purposes of this group include the following:
· To provide support to the parents who educate their children at home
· To provide a wholesome social environment for these children and young adults
· To provide group activities
· To provide information concerning political matters related to home educators and their families on the state and national level
· To pool resources in order to be able to provide supplemental educational resources to homeschools, such as a lending library
· To encourage excellence in homeschooling
· To encourage good citizenship and respect for our community, state, nation, and world
· To provide the opportunity for annual achievement testing for your children by a qualified tester
· To provide information through our monthly newsletter
· To provide a directory of the other homeschooling families in CHEMPA