Standards of Behavior
You must read this form for membership to be approved.
"Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!"
~~ Psalm 133:1
A high standard for behavior at all activities shall be maintained. We represent the entire homeschooling movement as well as Christ and ourselves individually. Because homeschool families are generally under greater scrutiny, we ask that dress be neat and modest, and that behavior be exemplary. Modesty and exemplary behavior are not easily outlined in a set of rules, and we could never address every possible application. However, we ask that you consider this issue prayerfully as a family before you sign this form. Please do not allow current styles or commonly accepted behavior to negatively affect your judgment, since our standard is Christ's and not the world’s. Particular sensitivity is needed in regard to unclean language and aggressive behavior. Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children at all times during an activity. If parents cannot attend a particular activity, their child may attend with another parent who has agreed to assume responsibility on that particular occasion. Children may not be "dropped off" at any activity. Teenagers (even if they can drive) must have an adult responsible for them at CHEMPA activities. If the teenager will drive themselves, the coordinator must receive communication and permission from the parent during sign-up for the activity. Non-members may not participate in CHEMPA-sponsored activities unless they are pre-approved by said activity’s Coordinator.
Specific guidelines:
No abusive or foul language, gossip or slander
No pushing, hitting, kicking, or aggressive play
No aggressive toys (guns, knives, etc)
Acceptance of rebuke and cooperation with any adult member
A cooperative and mannerly attitude with all people during games
Sensitivity to the safety and feelings of younger children
Respect for property and willingness to replace damaged property
No short shorts, or bare midriffs
No public displays of affection between young adults of the opposite sex
Boys are to wear shirts during all activities, including sports
Quiet attentiveness during field trips and at other times when adults are speaking to the group
STEP 1 – If you or your child has been hurt or offended, you MUST first approach the offending adult, or the parent of the offending child. If, for some extraordinary reason, you are unable to do this, you may contact an officer for assistance in approaching the other party.
“If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault just between the two of you ...”
-- Matthew 18:15 NIV
“Do not go hastily to court ... Debate your case with your neighbor himself.”
– Proverbs 25:8-9 NKJV
STEP 2 – Once you have approached the offending adult, or the parent of the offending child, if you feel further action is needed, contact an officer about your concern. The officer will gather information from both sides, and then consult with the President about the offense. A warning may be issued.
STEP 3 – If the same offensive behavior continues, the President will give the offending adult, or the parent of the offending child, written notice of the substance of the complaint. The offending parent, or the parent of the offending child, will be asked to respond to the President and/or the offended adult, or parent of the offended child, in writing.
STEP 4 – In the rare event that offensive behavior continues, the offending adult, or the parent of the offending child, will be given a period of probation.
If the offender is a child, the parent of the offending child must remain with the child at ALL times during the period of probation in order to observe and control his or her behavior. If this supervision fails, the officers may vote to revoke the membership of the family of the offending child.
If the offender is an adult, and the offensive behavior continues, the officers may vote to revoke the membership of the family of the offender. No refunds will be made. If the family of the offender desires to return to the group at any time after this, it will be considered on a case-by-case basis and voted on by the officers.
**Please check the appropriate box, and sign the membership form indicating you have read and agree to abide by these standards.